Thunder Ranch TRaining Center

Barn Sales

Occasionally we have horses and other critters that become available for sale or lease through our friends, clients or ourselves.  Some may be on the premises while others may still be with their owners.  Check back to see our 4-legged friends that are looking for a wonderful new home.


Contact Us
Getting Involved

For Sale Or Lease


Harley is a great little guy with a ton of personality.  He is an 8 year old 11.2h Shetland/Hackney that doesn’t bite, kick or rear.  He’s been ridden a few times and was quick to grasp the whole concept of someone on his back.  All the training he gets on a regular basis is groundwork and is currently being started to pull a cart.  We hope to lease him to a young rider (100 lbs or less) with experience that would further his riding education.  We will pay for his immunizations and hoof care while his is with you.  You provide good food and love.  Harley is fast too and would probably be good for playdays.


Rusty is an Arab/Welsh pony that is 9 years old and 13.1h.  He has had some trust issues but will warm up to you quickly.  He has never been ridden but has had a great deal of groundwork.  Great gaming prospect. 

Would prefer he has a rider 110 lbs or less with experience that would further his riding education 

We will pay for his immunizations and hoof care while he is with you.  You provide good food and love.

Featured Horses


Shetland/Welsh – Male


Arab/Welsh – Male


Mixed – Male


Mixed – Male

What we do

Our Services



We offer several different types of boarding agreements.


Full Care

We offer full care services to our boarders.


We have a wide variety of training services available.


There is a guestroom available to use while you are visiting.

What Drives Us

Our Mission

The scenic tranquility of the Thunder Ranch & Training Center, the nostalgic splendor of the facilities, along with the dedication of the staff makes the Center one of the most picturesque and professionally operated equine facilities in the state. We offer numerous services to our clients and visitors.   Visitors are welcome to walk through the Center and enjoy viewing the equestrian activities going on. Please do not feed the horses, as some are on a special diet.

Get Involved

We offer an excellent professional training program Monday through Saturday for English huntseat, jumping, dressage, and eventing. Our horseback riding lessons are geared for riders ages 7 and up, beginner to advanced levels. We also host schooling shows and clinics regularly during warmer months. For our Western riders, we host Western riding clinics monthly.


How To Get Involved

Leasing vs Buying

What Does it Mean to Lease a Horse?

When I first got involved in the horse world as an adult I was surprised to learn that you could lease a horse the same way you would a car. Instead of purchasing the horse outright, you pay the horse’s owner an agreed upon fee per month or per year for access to the horse. Every lease agreement will be different – and make sure you get yours in detail and in writing – but usually there are three types of horse leases: a full lease, half lease and free lease.

Full Leasing a Horse

When you full lease a horse you pay an agreed upon fee for exclusive access to the horse. This means you are the only one riding the horse. It won’t be used for lessons, the owner will not ride it, and you’ll be responsible for making sure the horse gets the attention & exercise it deserves. Oftentimes a full-lease also comes with the additional costs of board, veterinary expenses and shoeing expenses. It is pretty much exactly like owning the horse yourself.

Half Leasing a Horse

When you half lease a horse you still pay an agreed upon fee for access to the horse, but you are not the only one riding him/her. The horse can still be used in a lesson program if that’s the situation they’re in, and the owner can still ride the horse themselves. With a half lease either the owner is responsible for board/vet/farrier bills or you pay a certain percentage of those expenses.

Free Lease a Horse

When you free lease a horse – either at the stable or “off farm” – you don’t have to pay for access to the horse. You will usually be responsible for the board and certain expenses, however. Free leases are often an option offered by horse owners who can’t afford to maintain the horse but don’t want to lose control over its future. It’s a great way for them to make sure their horse is taken care of while also lessening the financial burden of horse ownership.

Lessons and Training

Horse training can be fun, but it also can be quite a challenge. For the beginner, it’s probably best to leave starting young horses to more experienced trainers. Youngsters are too unpredictable, and knowledge, timing, and skill are required for success. But really, we train our horses—even extensively trained ones, each time we interact with them. When you teach your horse something new, it means you’ve learned something as well, and that is very rewarding. Learn what your horse should know and what you’ll need to know to train your horse. Here are fun, easy, and safe training ideas for first-time horse owners.

Before you begin horse training, there are a few things you need to know in order to be effective and safe with your horse. Like how to approach training, what doesn’t work, and how to know when what you are doing is working.

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And while it isn’t necessary to have a round pen to train a horse, it is good to work in an enclosed space such as a round pen, ring, arena or small paddock.

Even if you don’t ride or drive it, there are essential horse manners every horse must have. One thing every horse should know is how to safely load onto a trailer, just in case there is an emergency.

It’s easy and fun to teach your horse to neck rein. Whether you ride English or western, it’s handy to have a horse that can both direct rein and neck rein. It’s also fun to teach your horse unique tricks, and even non-horse people enjoy watching horses perform them. Two simple tricks are giving hugs and kisses.

Note: If your horse tends to be a bit mouthy and nips, teaching a horse to give a kiss upon the cheek might not be safe, so find an alternative that keeps the kisses away from the handler’s face.  When your horse is misbehaving, and you’re a beginner rider, it is wise to get advice from an experienced rider or a trainer. Some behaviors like rearing, bucking and balking can be dangerous if you don’t know how to deal with them. There are some things beginners just shouldn’t attempt, at least not alone.

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